Thursday, July 12, 2007

looks like the boys are having some internet issues so i figured i'd take it upon myself to write a post.. we started working on new material monday. we learned a song i wrote a while back titled "demon killing spree under a full moon". there are no lyrics i just thought that title sounded kinda cool.. we made it through the song a few times and i think we all enjoyed where it was going. later that night i imported it to nuendo and edited it to the final structure we had come up with. i finished writing a bridge and solo for another song ive been working on today.. its gonna be mega wicked!

we are sitting on enough material to write our next two albums its just a matter of learning it all. ive got tons of songs ready to go.. tonys got boxes of lyrics.. and shaun always has something up his sleave so theres no reason why we shouldnt be able to make our next few records happen. sometimes i wonder how much if at all anyone else practices in their own time though.. it would be nice not having to re-learn everything over and over again because nobody remembers what happened the week before, which was most likeley the last time they even attempted to play.. meh. i'm moody today.. every time we play a show or make a step forward we seem to fall into a cushion of sorts and lose momentum. i just dont want to see that happen again.

on that note i'll say i'm trying to put a few more shows together from scratch. seeing as how we almost never play with bands in a similar genre as us, this should make for some wicked awesome shows. i got mike vendetta looking out on the fort worth scene but havent heard much about it, im trying to focus on denton and austin shows.
gotta keep this thing going, plus it always looks nice to have a few dates on your website so people know your serious..

in other news i got a flat tire on my car, blew a tube in my jcm 900, a dog ate my glasses and the rain finally stopped only to reveal a disgusting, hot and humid day.. did i mention im cranky? haha ok thats my 2 cents! i'll post again soon!!

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