Friday, June 29, 2007


For security reasons I will not disclose my full identity. I will say, though, that I play an instrument of percussive nature in Samuel Caldwell's Revenge. Also, my initials are R.G. - but those letters could represent an assortment of common words. For example, R.G. could mean: right gear, red goober, run gobbler, rattle garnish, render gaydar, really great, random giddy, restrain Gandalf. The list could go on forever, so don't even try to guess who I really am.

Now that formalities are over, I want to congratulate the band for its fortitude throughout the recording of this recording. You see, fortitude runs through Samuel Caldwell's Revenge like gravy runs through turkey veins on Thanksgiving Day. That's right, we are like determined turkeys that embrace the gravy.

Band Trivia---> After getting to know the real men in Sammy C, I pushed for sub-alternate names in case ours was stolen, or lost. These names were based on basting turkeys: Embrace the Gravy, The Determined Turkeys, We Love Turkey and So Should You, The Basters, The Embracers, and Gravy's Revenge.

I'm sure by now you realize how innovative we are. Well, my friend, you ain't seen nothin' yet - as the saying goes. But on a real note: The cover art is super duper radical and I fully endorse its use for our album. Just think of the incredible fist-like activities you could embark upon if you had an enormous fist hanging over a disorganized city. Great job on the cover art singer of Samuel Caldwell's Revenge (For security reasons, no names will be named).

Well, this is where we part until the next time. I wanted to introduce myself and what Samuel Caldwell's Revenge is all about: IMAGINATION. That's right folks, Sammy C is about using your imagination to listen to our groundbreaking album - coming soon!

Fine Print: The drummer for SCR does not verbally, physically, or ethereally commit to posting daily (every 24 hours) on this blog; the drummer does, in fact, commit to posting at minimum once a week, until said album is completed. Any additional postings are a bonus. The drummer does agree to Rock!

**certain restrictions apply**
The information aforementioned in this blog is subject to become null and void at the discretion, and judgment of the author of aforesaid blog; or, the band ceases to conduct full rehearsals (all members of the band).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
