Friday, August 10, 2007

The end of an era..

Ricardo has officially left SCR.. I think we all new this was not his passion and Its been an issue for a long time.. he left us with a long drawn out list of what I will say are excuses in his fancy doctor words.. it read as follows....

"As you know I have decided to leave SCR. Here is a sum up of the text conversation I had with Tony. Also, I have expanded my response to include more detail. Good luck and I really hope you guys figure it all out. Don’t worry Will, no hard feelings now that I’m out of the band. I really do wish you guys the best, and hope you succeed. Basically, what triggered most of this comes down to the behaviors displayed by Shaun and Will. After Monday’s rehearsal I got to thinking. As you recall, last year you guys kicked me out of the band for similar reasons: I had to miss some practices because of school. Keep in mind that I missed practice last year because of my PhD – a doctorate level degree. Will misses practices because he has no gas. Shaun misses practices because he has to work. Possibly both situations are unavoidable, but the fact that no one but me (maybe Tony as well but probably not in the same way as I do) sees a problem with the band situation makes me realize just how expendable I am to this group. Also, (Shaun and Will) understand that I’m not trying to undermine any hardships you may be going through in your personal lives, but this courtesy was overlooked on your end when you kicked me out the first time. Quite unfair (personally) and unprofessional (business tactics) considering what you are doing now, and what you did to me then. Regardless, this letter should be viewed as purely business and not personal. If you recall our conversation the first time I had to leave the band: it was all business and not personal. I extended that courtesy to you, and I hope you extend it to me in this letter. How come your absences are okay, but mine were not? This question bothers me. If people cannot make rehearsal they should step down from their spots, just as I was asked last year. But, that is not the case; and since everyone except me is exempt from missing practice for whatever trivialities are ailing them at the moment, I will step down as the drummer for this band. These are not terms by which I will rejoin the band. I have already left the band, but you guys should be aware of what you’re doing when you’re dealing with another person/drummer. Treat everyone with the same courtesy and respect. Understandably, Shaun and Tony are the owners of the band and much equipment, but that should not exempt you or raise you above the other performers or treating others with respect, courtesy, and professionalism. As far as playing any gigs: since I have gotten the impression that you do not value the time that I’ve spent with SCR rehearsing and gigging, my time is not free anymore. I do not like my time, energy, or mind toyed with. I’m sure Shaun can find some drummers that will play for free. After Monday, SCR has not given me a reason worthy enough to play gigs. If you’re looking for a common courtesy on my end, understand that my patience with SCR has been tried and the limit has been reached. I will not play gigs simply to play gigs. As far as producing the album: I have plenty of money, but I will certainly not put it into the hands of SCR anytime soon. The band has displayed an excessive amount of instability and fickleness, and it will take an excessive amount of proving yourselves trustworthy with money before I hand mine over. This is purely a business decision. What would you do in my shoes? Give money away? I definitely want to see this album produced, and I want to do my part in producing it because of the countless hours I spent in the studio, and rehearsals. But at the moment SCR has bigger problems on their hands besides getting the album out. As far as materials created by me – lyrics, some drum parts etc.: Please help yourselves to my lyrics and parts if you wish. I wrote them for the band. Please, merely extend me the professional courtesy of including me in the credits. If you trash everything, that’s understandable too because this is now purely business. Please understand that this is business now – this is not personal, so please curb your tempers. On the human level, I really care about you guys a lot and it pains me to do this as it pained me to leave the first time. I believe in the music. I love the music we have created, and I love the people in the band, but we all know there’s more to it than just playing and getting along – there’s business. Good luck. "

whewee! are you still here? did you make it through all of that?

well personally I dont believe this.. I think he simply doesnt share our passion for music and has more important things going on his life.. A simple "I'm tired of this band and I quit" would have sufficed.. and I think the whole "PhD- a doctrate level degree" thing has gone too his head a bit.. and the part about not trusting us with money is rather insulting as well. I am grateful for the contributions he made to this band, some great lyrics, drum tracks and live performances.. but I think we are all ready to turn this page and move forward, however "unstable" and "fickle" we are.

We arent skipping a beat, the whole band is ready to find a replacement, release the cd, and return to rock glory!! more posts! coming soon.. guess we'll find out if anyone is reading this thing ;)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am, I am....ooh wait... Im in the band..RATS
Im sad to see R.G. go, but onward and upward my friends
